4M Techcraft Paper Circuit Motor Race Science Kit | KidzInc Australia

4M Techcraft Paper Circuit Motor Race Science Kit | KidzInc Australia Educational Toys Online
4M Techcraft Paper Circuit Motor Race Science Kit | KidzInc Australia Educational Toys Online 4M Techcraft Paper Circuit Motor Race Science Kit | KidzInc Australia Educational Toys Online 2 4M Techcraft Paper Circuit Motor Race Science Kit | KidzInc Australia Educational Toys Online 3

4M - Techcraft: Paper Circuit Motor Race Kit

This Techcraft Paper Circuit Motor Race Kit by 4M is an excellent STEAM kit for children to get involved in electronic construction.

Children will get the opportunity to learn about circuits and motors, as well as how they work. Furthermore, it is great for children to understand more about electronics by constructing their own dragster or joystick with this kit.

This is a model kit of a battery-powered dragster. If you want to make it faster there is a way to do it. Add more copper tape around the battery block. This will make the car go faster when you put batteries in it and turn on the switch. The battery block is very powerful for its size. To use this product you need to put the batteries in and then turn on the switch, which is located under the motor block. The motor will then rotate, which makes the wheels move and in turn makes your car go forward.

This science kit contains battery block, motor blocks, wheels axle chassis clip set coloured sticker 1 set of cardboard copper tape and detailed instructions.

Suitable from 5 Years +

Vendor: 4M

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4M - Techcraft: Paper Circuit Motor Race Kit

This Techcraft Paper Circuit Motor Race Kit by 4M is an excellent STEAM kit for children to get involved in electronic construction.

Children will get the opportunity to learn about circuits and motors, as well as how they work. Furthermore, it is great for children to understand more about electronics by constructing their own dragster or joystick with this kit.

This is a model kit of a battery-powered dragster. If you want to make it faster there is a way to do it. Add more copper tape around the battery block. This will make the car go faster when you put batteries in it and turn on the switch. The battery block is very powerful for its size. To use this product you need to put the batteries in and then turn on the switch, which is located under the motor block. The motor will then rotate, which makes the wheels move and in turn makes your car go forward.

This science kit contains battery block, motor blocks, wheels axle chassis clip set coloured sticker 1 set of cardboard copper tape and detailed instructions.

Suitable from 5 Years +

$39.99 AUD Out of Stock
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