Multiple Intelligence Development for Children - KidzInc

Multiple Intelligence

KidzInc. and the Theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI)

Toys are not just Toys, some you play with, some you learn from, and some you grow with. Our Toys are chosen for the purpose of enjoyment, growth and learning. We love our work because we feel it adds value to you, the community and the world. We want to make it easy for you to not only choose something your child will enjoy, but also something they will grow from.

At KidzInc., our only purpose is to simplify the selection of toys, books and games that enhance your child’s Multiple Intelligences and the 8 dimensions of wellness. We review each and every product and comprehensively classify it under the eight MI framework, for you to be able to pick what is right for your child. A better understanding of your child will help you guide his/her development better now and into the future. We are grateful to play a small role in your Childs development.

 Theory of Multiple Intelligence

Dr Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, developed Multiple Intelligence in 1983. The principal findings were that I.Q. testing is far too limited in determining individual intelligence.

Dr Gardner proposes instead, that there are eight different intelligence categories that account for a broader range of intelligence in both children and adults. These categories are:

• Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
• Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)
• Spatial intelligence (Picture Smart)
• Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence (Body Smart)
• Musical intelligence (Music Smart)
• Interpersonal intelligence (People Smart)
• Intrapersonal intelligence (Self Smart)
• Naturalist intelligence (Nature/Science Smart)

It was Dr Gardner’s belief that we should pay equal attention on individuals who show gifts in each of the above areas, as opposed to just rewarding efforts in numeracy and language. This belief has only gained momentum over the last few decades with the advent of Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, and Sir Kenneth Robinson similar beliefs on nurtured gifts, as an author, speaker, and international advisor on education in the arts to government, non-profits, education, and arts bodies.

The most remarkable aspect is that multiple-intelligence provides eight different pathways to learning. It is about determining the right pathway for your child, and what seems to be the most effective method.

Understanding your child’s learning style makes it fun for them, and ultimately rewarding for you both – Learning should be fun, and that’s why we exist :)

This is the capacity to use language to express oneself, and communicate effectively with others. In helps one understand the subtleties of communication (word constructs), and nuances in language.

Word Smart Kids have the power of communication, the ability to write, read, and the skill to formulate words into the art of communication.

They are great at learning a new language, explaining instructions, influencing, communicating and verbal recollection comes easily.

Professions: Novelist, Comedian, Lawyer, Journalist, Teacher, and Leader.

Children who are number smart (logic), have a great ability for logical problem solving and reasoning. They understand the magic of numbers, and enjoy complex mathematical problems, are great at finding patterns, and easily comprehend cause and effect.

They are interested in strategy, solving mysteries, puzzles, and playing with numbers brings them hours of joy.

Professions: Scientist’s, Engineer, Architect, Computer Programmer, Economist, Mathematician, and of course Leader’s.

These Kids are more focused on the visual world. They are great at observation, understanding functional relationships, and have the skill to recreate images from memory.

They rely on images to appreciate how things work, and are able to see the detail in the world. They also have good hand eye co-ordination and tend to have a bias toward the arts.

Professions: Surgeon, Builder, Architect, Engineer, Artist, and Leaders.

Kids who are “Science Smart” have a natural interest in how the body works, and all living things, including plants, insects, animals, and the environment. They want to know why we have Earthquakes and how does that work, and are great at critical thinking.

They need proof and facts, and data before drawing conclusions. They love the magic of the universe, the earth, the creatures great and small, and they always simply ask how?

Professions: Scientists, Bio-Chemists, Astronauts, Leaders.

These children are passionate about the environment, and all living creatures. They feel a deep sense of belonging and connection with our world, and love playing outside.

They want to know and learn about species, and how the cycle of our planet works. They love plants, animals, rock formations, and generally every aspect of nature. They are naturally inquisitive.

Professions: Florist, Chef, Environmental Educator, Biologist, Veterinarian, and of course Leaders.

As you would expect these children love music, they have a sensitivity to sound, including pitch, timbre, rhythm and tone.

They are usually great listeners and do not need visuals to absorb the information. Rhyming comes easily to them, and they enjoy singing, playing an instrument, and the magic and subtleties of sound. You will often find them singing or humming, and they great lifting their spirits and the spirits of others.

Professions: Conductor, Song Writer, Singer, Musician and Leader.

These children are often very animated in expression, move while they think, learn and develop physical skills quickly and easily. They obviously have a leaning towards anything involving motor skills, such as sports, Dance, Building, Models and Crafts.

They are highly co-ordinated, and enjoy making things with their hands.

Professions: Dancer, Athlete, Actor, Surgeon, Builder, and of course Leaders.

These children have the capacity to understand themselves, and they way the feel, and what motivates them to do things. They are in touch with their feelings, and know how to develop themselves, at least as they grow.

They have great interpersonal skills, and tend to be very focused on their goals and activities. They have a good sense of self and they learn from their mistakes and successes.

Professions: Philosopher, Motivational Speaker, Writer, Theologian and Leaders.

These kids have the ability to understand how others feel, what motivates them, someone else’s mood, beliefs, and intentions. They are great at interacting with people from all walks of life, and can express themselves in a wide variety of ways.

They usually have lots of friends, and build quite close and meaningful relationships. They show sensitivity and understanding towards others, and have a passion for the social world.

Educator, Counsellor, Diplomat, Activist, Consultant, Politician, Teacher and Leaders.


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