Plus-Plus Big Picture Puzzle Basic 60 Pieces | KidzInc Australia Toys

Plus-Plus Big Picture Puzzle Basic 60 Pieces | KidzInc Australia Educational Toys Online
Plus-Plus Big Picture Puzzle Basic 60 Pieces | KidzInc Australia Educational Toys Online Plus-Plus Big Picture Puzzle Basic 60 Pieces | KidzInc Australia Educational Toys Online 2

Plus-Plus Big - Picture Puzzle Basic 60 Pieces

Build your child's imagination with Plus-Plus Big Picture Puzzle Basic. The Plus-Plus Big is perfect for little hands. This picture puzzle includes 60 basic colour Plus-Plus pieces in the big size and seven puzzle flash cards. Every puzzle has two sides - a challenge and a solution. 

Plus-Plus Big is designed and made in Denmark. It is the perfect educational STEM toy for little ones and stimualtes fine motor skills, creativity, focus, patience and spatial skills. 

Suitable from 3 to 6 Years 

Vendor: Plus-Plus

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Plus-Plus Big - Picture Puzzle Basic 60 Pieces

Build your child's imagination with Plus-Plus Big Picture Puzzle Basic. The Plus-Plus Big is perfect for little hands. This picture puzzle includes 60 basic colour Plus-Plus pieces in the big size and seven puzzle flash cards. Every puzzle has two sides - a challenge and a solution. 

Plus-Plus Big is designed and made in Denmark. It is the perfect educational STEM toy for little ones and stimualtes fine motor skills, creativity, focus, patience and spatial skills. 

Suitable from 3 to 6 Years 

$49.99 AUD Out of Stock
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