Smart Games Happy Cube Junior 6 Colour Pack | Puzzles for Kids KidzInc

Smart Games Happy Cube Junior 6 Colour Pack | KidzInc Australia

Smart Games - Happy Cube Junior 6 Colour Pack

The Happy Cube Junior by Smart Games is a 2D and 3D puzzle to get the brain puzzling with fun!

The Happy Cube Junior includes 6 different foam cube puzzles and each cube puzzle gets more difficult to solve.

Children can be challenged even further by combining the puzzles to make a large construction. 

Suitable from 4 to 7 Years

Vendor: Smart Games

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Smart Games - Happy Cube Junior 6 Colour Pack

The Happy Cube Junior by Smart Games is a 2D and 3D puzzle to get the brain puzzling with fun!

The Happy Cube Junior includes 6 different foam cube puzzles and each cube puzzle gets more difficult to solve.

Children can be challenged even further by combining the puzzles to make a large construction. 

Suitable from 4 to 7 Years

$29.99 AUD Out of Stock
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