4M KidzLabs Kaleidoscope Making Kit | Science Kit | KidzInc Australia

4M KidzLabs Kaleidoscope Making Kit | Science Kit | KidzInc Australia | Educational Toys Online
4M KidzLabs Kaleidoscope Making Kit | Science Kit | KidzInc Australia | Educational Toys Online 4M KidzLabs Kaleidoscope Making Kit | Science Kit | KidzInc Australia | Educational Toys Online 2 4M KidzLabs Kaleidoscope Making Kit | Science Kit | KidzInc Australia | Educational Toys Online 3

4M - KidzLabs: Kaleidoscope Making Science Kit

The beauty of kaleidoscopes can be discovered by everyone. With the 4M KidzLabs Kaleidoscope Making Kit, kids can build their own kaleidoscope and project millions of dazzling patterns on the wall.

The kaleidoscope is a 25cm long colour-changing kaleidoscope with a sturdy metal body. It is easy to assemble and disassemble for cleaning. Once built, it will last for years of enjoyment.

Suitable from 8 Years +

Vendor: 4M

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4M - KidzLabs: Kaleidoscope Making Science Kit

The beauty of kaleidoscopes can be discovered by everyone. With the 4M KidzLabs Kaleidoscope Making Kit, kids can build their own kaleidoscope and project millions of dazzling patterns on the wall.

The kaleidoscope is a 25cm long colour-changing kaleidoscope with a sturdy metal body. It is easy to assemble and disassemble for cleaning. Once built, it will last for years of enjoyment.

Suitable from 8 Years +

$29.99 AUD Out of Stock
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