Gigamic Quantik Game | Strategy Games for Kids | KidzInc Australia

Gigamic Quantik Game | Strategy Games for Kids | KidzInc Australia
Gigamic Quantik Game | Strategy Games for Kids | KidzInc Australia Gigamic Quantik Game | Strategy Games for Kids | KidzInc Australia

Gigamic - Quantik Strategy Game

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Quantik by Gigamic Games is a pure abstract strategy game for those who want a fun quick challenging puzzle duel!

Each turn the players will put one of their pieces on the board game. They are not allowed to place a shape in a line, a column, or an area in which this same form has already been placed.  The first player who places the fourth different form in a row, column, or zone wins the game.

Quantik Game Contents:

Varnished Board Game 16 Wooden Pieces Rules   Number of Players: 2 Players   Suitable from 8 Years +

Vendor: Gigamic

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Gigamic - Quantik Strategy Game

Quantik by Gigamic Games is a pure abstract strategy game for those who want a fun quick challenging puzzle duel!

Each turn the players will put one of their pieces on the board game. They are not allowed to place a shape in a line, a column, or an area in which this same form has already been placed.  The first player who places the fourth different form in a row, column, or zone wins the game.

Quantik Game Contents:

Varnished Board Game
16 Wooden Pieces
Number of Players: 2 Players
Suitable from 8 Years +

$69.99 AUD Out of Stock
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