For the next 8 weeks, we are going to outline each of the broad categories of multiple intelligence, that we feel every parent should know. Now we should warn you up front that we hold the belief that every child is gifted and has their own unique talents. And one of our goals is to help you identify your child’s gift and or natural talents.
Please be aware that your child will posses all of the multiple intelligence areas, and will likely have a combination of these talents that are quite strong, and if you are not sure what skills your little one might have, keep an eye on these posts for signs.
So today we are going to discuss “word smart”, with a focus on 0 - 5 years old's.
As you might suspect word smart covers language, reading, writing and the skills associated with communication. It is important to note it is not really a combination of all of these skills, and sometimes it is just a deep skill in one of these area’s (like writing), and sometimes it involves all of these areas.
To illustrate this point further, did you know that when J.K Rowling came up with her idea for the Harry Potter novels in 1990 while traveling on a train from London to Heathrow, and she was too shy to approach fellow passengers on that train so she could borrow a pen and write down her idea! Interesting right?
So let’s begin, what to look for in your little one when identifying if they are “word smart”.
Is your little one word smart? If so please share your story....