Melissa and Doug Extensive Range of Puzzles at KidzInc | Toy Store

Melissa and Doug Extensive Range of Puzzles at KidzInc

Posted on November 06, 2014 by Lubica Misevski

We are very proud to stock an extensive range of Melissa and Doug Puzzles. Originally this little brand started out in 1988, and they been making puzzles for a very long time.

Their original focus was educational products for children. They started because they love children, and they felt there were not enough products on the market that made learning fun.

What better way to do this then create puzzles. We stock a extensive range of their collection in every age group because puzzles are a brilliant way to educate children.

They are great to develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

We have curated the Melissa and Doug Puzzles in the following areas.

Simply clicking on any of the links below will take you to the full range for that age group.

Age 1 - 2

Age 3 - 5

Age 5 +

We love the Melissa and Doug Puzzles because they are dedicated to helping children learn. Whilst puzzles are great at building major and minor motor skills, they are also wonderful in other educational areas for children.

They help them with pattern recognition or memory, learning words, and letters or rather language.

Other areas these puzzles help children with include cognitive and emotional skills. From a cognitive point of view, children can solve problems, and make associations.

Emotionally children learn patience and are rewarded just by finishing the puzzle. In fact, when the can first put the first sheep back in the slot, this brings them a lot of joy. Any mother or father who has witnessed this would know what we are talking about.

If you have not seen this yet, you are in for a beautiful moment.

We love watching our little boy do this, and he even claps when he succeeds.

Simply it is why we love puzzles, and we are sure your children will too.

The full range of Melissa and Doug puzzles are here.


Posted in developing confidence in kids, educational toys, fine motor skills, jigsaw puzzles, melissa & doug, melissa and doug australia, problem solving skills for kids, puzzles, spatial skills

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