Hacker: A Game From ThinkFun to Build Your Child's Coding and STEM Ski

Hacker: A Game From ThinkFun to Build Your Child's Coding and STEM Skills

Posted on August 23, 2019 by Lubica Misevski

ThinkFun Hacker Game | Coding and STEM Toys | KidzInc Australia


You want your child to play and have fun but you know it's essential that their play is more than just a game; it should teach them life skills while they have a good time. Of course, you keep hearing about the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills to get jobs in those fields when they get older. STEM jobs are abundant and pay more than other fields. Hacker Cybersecurity Logic Coding Game is a great way to get your child interested in STEM without pushing them.

How to Play Hacker Cybersecurity Logic Coding Game

Hacker Cybersecurity Logic Coding Game is designed for play by children 10 years old and older, and your child can play by himself or with others. In this game, hackers have been up to their dirty tricks, and it's up to your little one to save the day as he joins the white hat hacker team, Oblivion. To catch criminals, your child needs the same skills as the bad guys.

Throughout the game, your child must avoid alarms and viruses as he codes and uses that code to collect data chips. The bad guys are constantly trying to damage your child's network, and by learning how the hackers do it, your child creates ways to protect his network from those threats and more. This gives your child a chance to learn more about cause and effect and then use reasoning and logic to foil the bad guys.

The game has 40 challenges to face with three phases in each one for a total of 120 chances to practice and master coding and cybersecurity. These goals range from super easy for children who are new to coding to very difficult for the kid who plays regularly and understands coding. If your child is just learning, you'll get to watch him gain confidence as he masters each new challenge and builds on the information learned from each goal. The STEM skills learned while playing Hacker can help your child build basic logic and reasoning skills that they can put to work in the classroom and life.

What's in the Box?

Hacker isn't your traditional board game but it does come with pieces to track your child's progress. The pieces feature bright colors to keep your kid's attention. There are grids for your child to track his progress on each quest. Here's a look at what's in the box:

Control Panel
Challenge Booklet
Solution Booklet
12 Tokens
27 Game Tiles
Instruction Manual
Six token stands

    Featuring separate booklets for the challenges and their solutions makes it easier for your child to concentrate on finding a solution versus looking up the answer. This is a game your child can tackle by himself or play with friends and siblings.


    ThinkFun Hacker Game | Coding and STEM Toys | KidzInc Australia

    Skills Built by Hacker Cybersecurity Logic Coding Game

    You want your child to have fun and play games while learning essential skills. This is a game that teaches skills without your child even noticing that they're learning. Here are a few must-have skills for success that Hacker Cybersecurity Logic Coding Game:

    STEM thinking
    Creative thinking
    Visual perception
    Teaches concurrency
    Teaches a security mindset

      This game is designed for children aged 10 years old and up. It helps them develop skills for the game that transfers to their schoolwork and later in life, to jobs that they'll have. Of course, the best part is that they're just having a good time, which keeps them playing the game over and over again.

      You can order the Hacker Cybersecurity Logic Coding Game for a gift or rainy day surprise. The sooner your child gets to play means the sooner they start developing these essential life skills.

      Posted in Coding Games Australia, Hacker ThinkFun Games, ThinkFun Games

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